Ford recently participated in a special test of a high-tech early warning “brake light” that can warn drivers following behind even if they are around a bend or behind other traffic.
The technology is one of 20 potential future systems Ford tested as part of Safe Intelligent Mobility (simTD), a four-year joint industry research project.
In emergency braking situations, the experimental “Electronic Brake Light” transmits a wireless signal to illuminate a dashboard light in cars following behind. The study found the technology could enable drivers following behind to brake earlier and potentially mitigate or avoid a collision.
The closing presentation for the simTD project today took place in Frankfurt, Germany, with a demonstration of technologies including those tested and developed by Ford, and a summary of the findings from the research project’s field tests, which concluded in December 2012.
simTD is a joint project by leading German automotive manufacturers, component suppliers, communication companies, research institutions and public authorities. The funding for the project was approximately €53 million, of which €30 million of direct project promotional support was provided by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) together with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).