Hella Gutmann demonstrates aftermarket calibration solution

July 03, 2017
Hella Gutmann demonstrates aftermarket calibration solution Pictured with the Hella Gutmann Calibration system are Hella Gutmann Buisness Development Manager Martyn Shaw and Tom Mahonney of Auto Electronic Systems a CSC Tool user.

HELLA had a strong presence at Automechanika Birmingham with an impressive stand featuring all of its brands, participation in the seminar programme and playing a key role in the Interactive Workshop zone where the Hella Gutmann Solutions camera and sensor calibration (CSC) tool was being demonstrated.

Coinciding with the exhibition, HELLA also launched Behr Hella Service’s free Advanced Training Academy, which is designed to build on the technicians existing skills and keep them at the leading edge of thermal management. Workshops are encouraged to sign up for the academy at www.strengthenyourpotential.com.

Reflecting it OE strength, lighting and electronics occupied a significant portion of the stand, HELLA Hengst filter alliance also attracted interest. There were also lots of visitors keen to see the latest Hella Gutmann diagnostic tools.  

In the Interactive workshop area there was a constant flow of technicians keen to view the Hella Gutmann CSC Tool in action. This provides an aftermarket solution for the growing need to recalibrate equipment used on driver assistance safety systems. It works on both camera and radar based detection, where only a slight shift in the position of the radar head or the camera in relation to the geometric axle can cause the system to deliver incorrect results, or even fail completely. For example even a small impact at the back of the car will require full front end recalibration to ensure systems are effective.

The CSC Tool enables accurate calibration of a wide range of camera-based driver assist systems. It provides out of the box coverage for VAG and Mercedes-Benz models and has add on packages than can provide coverage for up to 18 vehicle manufacturers. Unlike some other systems the CSC-TOOL also offers workshops the ability to calibrate ADAS radar sensors.

CSC is a flexible, modular system which can be tailored to individual workshop requirements. It can provide highly accurate results with no need for a fully-equipped axle alignment station, levelled workshop floor or platform lift. It has easy to follow menus detailing all procedures required for accurate calibration and offers full integration with mega macs diagnostic tools.

Calibration is a fast growing area of business potential for both garages and bodyshops and the Hella Gutmann CSC tool provides a comprehensive and effective solution for the independent aftermarket. 
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