The Mintex Brakes on-line catalogue incorporating a VRM look-up tool has hit an important milestone by reaching over 50,000 hits its first six months. The site offers the simple vehicle look up facility for both Irish and UK registered vehicles.
Commenting on the success of the site Simon Bradley, UK Marketing Manager said, “The impact the VRM tool is having on ease of parts identification for our customers and their garage customers has been extremely positive. To hear that some garages are quoting our part numbers to distributors is a real step in the right direction and hopefully helps to strengthen that relationship through the Mintex brand.”
Mintex say that the success of the site is not purely down to the quality of the data, but also the ease in which it is possible to find what you’re looking for. Mintex pride themselves on the fact that to find an answer takes no more than “2 clicks” where industry standard on most websites, not just automotive, work to a maximum of “3 clicks”. The advanced filter system on the specific vehicle also reduces potential options on the result screen, again taking the complexity out of the query. There is also the facility to compare part numbers within the results screen to further confirm that the part has been identified correctly.
Bradley comments, “We all know how frustrating it can be to try and find an answer on a website, whatever the product or service may be, but once you have entered the registration of the vehicle the answer is put in front of the user immediately, therefore saving time and increasing efficiency.”
The VRM look-up tool is free of charge to all users and is available to general public, garages as well as registered Mintex distributors. If you are a current Mintex distributor and have not yet taken advantage then please e-mail and become a registered user to receive additional distributor benefits including VIN numbers and complete chassis and vehicle details.
The site can be viewed at