The Irish Motor Factors Golf Society held its second annual golf outing of the year in September in Thurles, with a highly enjoyable day had by all those attending.
Now in its 25th year, the Irish Motor Factors Golf Society outing is a bi-annual event held in May and September at the pick of some of the finest golf courses in Ireland. Those attending compete for some super prizes that are sponsored by the leading automotive brands that Motor Factors work with on a daily bases.
The event is suitable for experienced golfers but is also organised so that even those just starting out can compete at their own level and have a great day out. The outing also provides an excellent opportunity to meet like minded individuals in the industry from all over Ireland.
Darren O' Hanlon, of AES, was the winner of the Thurles event, with an off 28 score of 41 pts, second was Martin Kennedy, off 18 score 37 pts (Back 9) and third Michael Pitt, off 24 score 37 pts.
The society is always on the lookout for new recruits and anyone interested in getting involved, should WhatsApp Mark Lawless on 086-122-3456.