Road casualty figures for 2012 show that a total of 161 people tragically lost their lives on Irish roads in 2012.
This is 25 fewer fatalities compared to 186 deaths last year and 51 fewer deaths compared to 2010 when 212 people lost their lives on the roads. Road deaths have now fallen every year since 2006. Furthermore it is also the fifth year in a row that a new record low for fatalities in this country has been achieved.
The third Road Safety Strategy 2007 to 2012, which will be replaced in early 2013 with a new eight year strategy, set a target of reducing road deaths to no more than 252 deaths per annum by the end of 2012. Not only was this target achieved ahead of schedule in 2009, it was significantly surpassed. Since the beginning of 2007 there has been a 56% decrease in road deaths. While the total number of serious injuries sustained in crashes in 2012 is not yet available, there has been a 51% reduction in these injuries up to the end of 2011.
Minister for Transport Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar, said, "For the seventh year in a row the number of people killed on the roads has dropped. In 2012 the loss of life was the lowest ever recorded. The ongoing effort to reduce the tragedy of road deaths is working. Further key road safety measures will be implemented this year, and the new Road Safety strategy will be published. But this change really comes down to the efforts of every single road user. We can never forget those who lost their lives on the roads in 2012, but next year we can take it a step further. I urge everyone to change one thing about their behaviour on the roads next year. It will make a difference."
RSA Chief Executive, Mr. Noel Brett, paid tribute to the work of the Gardai and Emergency Services, "It is important, as we come to the end of another year, that we acknowledge and thank those on the front line in road safety. The Gardai, Ambulance and Paramedic crews, Fire Brigade personnel, Nurses, Doctors and Carers who are responsible for ensuring we stay safe on the roads and for caring for those who have been affected by road trauma".
"2013 will be another challenging year, but one which the Board and staff of the RSA are looking forward to as it will see the launch of a new Road Safety Strategy, the introduction of a new plastic card driving licence, the transformation of the Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Testing system, and Ireland's presidency of the European Union, which will include the hosting of a major EU conference on road safety in March 2013."
Commissioner of An Garda Síochána Mr Martin Callinan said today: "We wish to thank all road users who have made a conscious and positive change to both their attitudes and behaviour on our roads. This change has resulted in another record low in terms of road safety in Ireland. This is evident in particular in our drink driving arrests which are down for the fifth year in a row, whilst there have been more Garda Mandatory Alcohol Checkpoints in 2012, compared to 2011. In 2007 the rate of detection was approximately 1 in 25, now it's approximately 1 in 50. This clearly shows increased compliance by responsible members of the public."