The Innovative Wheel Fitting & Alignment Tool from Sealey
March 07, 2023
Sealey WheelEazy
Available in the latest Sealey Tool promotion, is the WheelEazy tool, designed to assist with the lifting and locating of road wheels onto vehicle hubs, while significantly reducing lifting strain and improving body posture.
The WheelEazy allows for wheel fitting in 3 easy steps.
Mount: Select the required mounting peg, insert the lever through the uppermost hole in the wheel and engage with the mounting peg.
Lift: As the lever is raised, slide the wheel into position. Keep one hand on the wheel and withdraw the lever.
Secure: Fit two of the wheel nuts finger-tight, remove the mounting peg and then re-fit all wheel nuts following the vehicle manufacturer’s guidelines.
The tool is designed to assist with the lifting and locating of road wheels on to vehicle hubs and intended to be used where there is no access to a vehicle lift such as by the roadside. It is supplied with four CNC machined stainless steel adaptor pegs complete with storage holder.
The WheelEazy is suitable for most cars, light goods vehicles, motor homes and caravans. It is also suitable for use on alloy or steel wheels up to 35kg.